When I drew the Conscious Creatures Oracle cards for the year ahead back in January, I had no idea what White Stag would mean for October. His affirmations for us all are “I Am Magical” and “I acknowledge my profound inner magic and embrace the next stage of spiritual transformation”. As October unfolded, I got it! I hope there’s a few insights in this piece for you too.
I’d been planning to write a newsletter since September and was originally going to share something about the difference between Wolf and Dog as Power Animals, but it wasn’t coming together. Then it felt like something shifted (after Mercury Retrograde) on the 3rd October and the White Stag card from the Conscious Creatures Oracle turned up again. It came out for someone Lorenzo and I had literally just met that day and it got me thinking about the different kinds of magic that can be present in our lives, and also the magic we can bring into the lives of others too.
Magic is of course everywhere if we choose to be aware of it, and that was brought to my attention big time in early October thanks to the White Stag card popping up on more than one occasion. It got me thinking about how things can be magical at different levels of awareness or being and, because this card had turned up more than once now for October, I tuned in to its specific significance for this particular month and these were just a few of the insights.
Physical Magic happens at this time of year as we witness the trees starting to glow their autumn awesomeness and they drop their leaves and goodies for the animals and birds to help them prepare for winter.
Spiritual Magic also happens at the end of this month when we celebrate Halloween. Historically a time that’s become known for the thinning of the veils, when it’s easier to connect with our ancestors and loved ones who’ve crossed over.
Then there’s Emotional Magic - this is that something which makes you go all warm and fuzzy inside and that makes you feel ecstatic with joy, love or some other beautiful feeling. Just like I felt when I had the absolute honour and privilege to hold the little hand of a lemur!
Mind Magic is probably the most talked about and practised but somewhat paradoxically also doesn’t get the credit it deserves for how it assists in the creation of all the other magical things we experience. What we imagine, how we think and how we subsequently handle those thoughts dictates what we feel and ultimately what we experience. This makes mind magic something of a double-edged sword, but when used effectively the results can be magical bringing all manner of good fortune and happy synchronicities. Magic is never more than a thought away.
There is sooooo much magic in this world and in our daily lives and on so many different levels, it’s just about being aware of it and that we have way more control over how magical things are than we realise! How many magical things have you experienced today?
For the rest of the day (week or month) start to make a note of everything that you witness, perceive, think and feel to be magical. If at first nothing seems magical, just take a breath and ask to be shown something magical in your world. Go outside and you’ll find it all around you! In the raindrops on a leaf, in the sound of the birds, the colours of the trees, every blade of grass and the warmth of the sun on your back.
When you start to take notice of how magical everything actually is, it will ultimately lead you into the vibration of Gratitude. Gratitude and Appreciation sit at the top of the Emotional Scale along with Love, Joy, Freedom and Empowerment; which, vibrationally and emotionally is a pretty cool place to BE!